Saturday, December 11, 2010

at the end of the fall

It's crazy how quickly everything can change. I've been living with these same nine people for the last six months, & we've been on quite the journey, learning how to trust & love. It's taken us across the world, to God's Holy City, Jerusalem, where we've all shared His heart for His people, bringing us closer to Him, together. But by this time tomorrow, I will be with completely new people, in a new location on the other side of the world, & I'll have a basket full of new responsibilities-all the while my family will still be here, living life together in our beloved little community.

This season of my life has been very different, very full, very cherished. It's appropriate that it was during the fall, as in autumn, because of my deep & constant humbling. I have never been so aware of my flesh & my broken humanity, but it has only led to my obvious, desperate need for the Lord. It has been so beautiful. I have learned to lean on my Beloved & from there love His people.

It's interesting how now, in my broken state, I feel ready for what lies ahead of me. I've decided to staff the Fire & Fragrance Discipleship Training School (DTS) in january, committing another six months to YWAM Kona. I have to leave Israel a week early for staff training, which explains the paragraph above. I feel like it's time to solidify my growth, in a way, & pour into this generation which is so chosen by the Lord. I will be discipling young girl, & simply exposing the depths of my heart to them, revealing out God's unfailing love & mercy & power. (I will also be leading an outreach somewhere, I don't know where yet, but when I do I'll let you know.)

And so, I must say "goodbye" to this season, "until next time" to my dear friends, & "hello" to this new path the Lord is taking me down. I am so thankful for all the support that I have gotten in this last season, financially & prayerfully. The Lord has done some miraculous providing, & I know He'll be faithful to do the same in these next six months. Since I am now staff, expenses will be a lot less, which is great! But I have been asked to have in $600 a month, at least. If you could at least go before the Lord & ask Him if you're to pledge a certain amount a month, or give a one time donation, or just back me up in prayer.
