Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family, tacos, & revival...


A group of about 30 young Jesus-loving fire-breathers, who were all connected somehow & now living throughout the state of california, gathered together to simply BE family & seek God's face as a family. We worshipped together with no end, studied the Word together, shared each others' dreams for California, we prayed together & over each other, & we ate TONS of Mexican food & In n Out. It didn't stop there though. When authentic community happens around the presence of the Lord, there is a natural overflow into the streets...that is revival, & that is exactly what happened.

About a week before all of this, I was praying for this gathering & I saw these bowls of intercession tipping over & pouring out fire over the whole state. I wasn't sure what to expect, but what happened far surpassed anything I could have dreamed of.

The first friday night that we were all together, we spoke at New Song Irvine's college group & prayed over almost 100 students who had all reached the point of desperation for more of God. Then the next night, after a full day of the Lord pouring out His spirit, reminding us of who He is & who we are, & renewing the joy of our salvation, we unanimously decided that we had to go out & tell someone about all of this! So all 30 of us went to the Irvine Spectrum-a giant outside mall with shops, restaurants, a movie theater, & a giant ferris wheel-& definitely saw the fruit of the joy of our salvation...more salvation!

Two of the girls on my team led an atheist in Barnes & Noble to the Lord, Jeff Reid & Eddie Brown-the two spiritual fathers of the group who are crazy!-led two young high school boys to the Lord, & beyond that, we prayed over everyone we could, spoke into their identity, & also got rejected quite a bit. But it was all worth it! Here's where it gets ridiculous...

When we gathered together to debrief the night & share testimonies, some random kid that we didn't know jumped onto the fountain right behind us & started preaching about God's love! So we figured that if went over there, it would draw more people in. And sure enough, a crowd of about 100 gathered, a kid ended up throwing off his shoes saying that he wanted to get baptized right there in the fountain, security came & said he couldn't do that, they escorted the young evangelist out, then one of our guys jumped up & told everyone that we all love Jesus & would love to pray for anyone who wanted it, then a boy came up shaking under the presence of the Lord asking what was happening to him, He got saved, & then a few more got saved.

So there you have it-the world's longest sentence & the craziest night Irvine's ever seen. I think my team's expectancy for these last two weeks in LA has escalated a bit after all that, & rightly so. Keep praying that God would release the fullness of what He has for this place!

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